
这是一款适合Vimer在chrome浏览器上快速搜索浏览网页的插件,让你 在浏览器上也能摆脱鼠标畅快的浏览网页,下载地址[Vimium]( /detail/vimium/dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb),下面是快捷键

Navigating history H : Go back in history L : Go forward in history

Manipulating tabs K, gt : Go one tab right J, gT : Go one tab left t : Create new tab x : Close current tab X : Restore closed tab

Navigating the page ? : Show the help dialog j : Scroll down k : Scroll up h : Scroll left l : Scroll right gg : Scroll to the top of the page G : Scroll to the bottom of the page

u, <c-u> : Scroll a half page up d, <c-d> : Scroll a half page down <c-f> : Scroll a full page down <c-b> : Scroll a full page up f : Open a link in the current tab F : Open a link in a new tab o : Open URL, bookmark, or history entry O : Open URL, bookmark, or history entry in a new tab

r : Reload the page gs : View page source / : Enter find mode n : Cycle forward to the next find match N : Cycle backward to the previous find match yy : Copy the current URL to the clipboard gf : Cycle focus to the next frame i : Enter insert mode